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And answering He said to them, “Do you not see all these things? I’m telling you an important truth,

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none, not even one [stone] shall be left here stone upon stone which will not be thrown down.

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In response Jesus said, “You see all these things, don’t you? Listen up, I’m telling you an important truth – not even one of these stones will remain the way they are currently, built stone upon stone, rather they will all be thrown down from up high to down low.



“Amen,” means “true,” or, when used at the end of something can mean, “may it be true.” It was used often by Jesus as a form of emphasis to say something like this: “Hey, listen up, the truth I am about to share with you stands out as special, having more importance than many other truths.”


Historical note: This was accomplished in 70 AD when future-Emperor Titus captured Jerusalem and totally destroyed the temple. Everything that could burn was burned, then, since the temple was made of stone, the Romans had to take it apart stone by stone in order to effect a total destruction of the edifice. It appears that most of the retaining wall was untouched and some of it can still be seen today.

The important thing for a Jew of that day was this: Jesus was predicting that the temple, which supposedly granted them their connection to Almighty God, would be totally destroyed, not just damaged or partially destroyed. It would be gone. This was the worst possible news a Jew could hear.


Matthew chapters 24 and 25 contain the longest discourse of Jesus on the topic of prophecy. In this discourse Jesus presented to His disciples the following sweeping themes:

1) The destruction of the temple will serve as a confirmation to you that “this era” has passed and a new era has begun,

2) I will make obvious the true purpose for which I have come,

3) I will also reveal myself in power someday,

4) Several things will take place first before these things take place,

5) You cannot predict the details of these things,

6) When they start to happen, you will know it, for they will be obvious,

7) Don’t try to figure out any more than what I have told you.