For most men, gaining control over lust so it does not control them seems to be an insurmountable challenge. It is a temptation that is always present, always a threat. It wants to rule our lives and, if it is allowed to do so, it will affect our relationship with God and with others around us. For many men, lust is “the big one.” The battle against it is hard, long and seemingly futile (although “futile” is a lie from the enemy).

For most women, gaining control over insecurity so it does not control them seems like an insurmountable challenge. It is a temptation that is always present, always a threat. It wants to rule your life and, if it is allowed to do so, it will affect your relationship with God and with others around you. For many women, insecurity is “the big one.” The battle against it is hard, long and seemingly futile (although “futile” is a lie from the enemy).

Some men know lust is a problem in their lives and they strive to minimize it, although often unsuccessfully. Others see it as normal male behavior and don’t try to change their viewing habits.

Likewise, some women know insecurity is a problem in their lives and they strive to minimize it, although often unsuccessfully. Others see it as normal female behavior and don’t try to change the way they think and act.

So, dear sisters in Christ, I realize that it is difficult to change your thinking and overcome your insecurity. When I say that insecurity is something that drives many of the actions of women that the Bible speaks out against, I understand how difficult it is to change that because of my battle against lust. So I cannot judge you for your insecurity. But I want to encourage you to not give up the fight. You don’t need to live the rest of your life as a slave to insecurity. Victory is possible.

There is one more level of comparison between lust and insecurity. In both cases, what is being sought will elude the seeker the harder he or she seeks for it. Just like a man will never find true sexual satisfaction by constantly pursuing sexual stimuli, so a woman will never find true security by constantly seeking ways to feel less insecure. It is a paradox to be sure, but it is true. God has placed within us a number of very strong desires which can only be satisfied if we seek Him. He is the source of true satisfaction. We will be satiated and full if we seek Him; we will remain hungry and frustrated if we seek satisfaction.

The next lesson is: What If a Woman Were to Follow the Bible’s Teaching about a Woman’s Role in the Home?