Song of Solomon7:8

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I said, “I will climb the palm tree; I will take hold of its fruit.”

May your breasts be like clusters of grapes on the vine,

the fragrance of your


Go to footnote number

like apples,

Go to footnote number


I said, “I will benefit from her uprightness and integrity, I will enjoy her overflowing and abundance [of nurturing].”

May your nourishment overflow with abundance,

may the spreading influence of God’s Spirit in you revive me,


1: "breath"

This is the word “nose.” However, because the Hebrew people saw the nose as “the breathing place,” it could also mean “breath,” which makes more sense here.

2: "Apples": Implications for marriage

A wife’s spiritual qualities are extremely important. A wife does more for her husband by being godly than by any other thing she can do.