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saying, “Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength belong to our GOD,

Go to footnote number

through the ages of the ages, amen.”


saying, “We agree!

Praise and glory and wisdom and gratitude and honor and power and strength belong to

THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS, whom we serve through all ages, amen.”


1: 7 qualities

Some of these (like strength and power) are things that God already has and we can do nothing to enhance them, others (like gratitude) are things that we give to God, and others (like honor) would fit in both categories. But there I go, over-analyzing symbolism again. The innuendoes just mentioned are of no consequence, for this statement proclaims that God is worthy of everything good we could possibly praise Him for. The use of 7 items means that everything else worth mentioning is automatically included.