Song of Solomon 1:15



Look at you!

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You are beautiful, my Love!

I am amazed at how beautiful you are!  Your eyes

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are doves.

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I can’t stop focusing on how beautiful you are, my Love,

You amaze me because you are so beautiful. You know so much about me, but you are gentle; you don’t use it against me.

Your Eyes Are Doves

First he states that she is so beautiful to him, then he explains why he feels that way. The reason is that her “eyes are doves.” That’s how big an issue this is to the husband.

A wife knows her husband’s weaknesses and failures; therefore, she can either make him, or break him. She can encourage and enhance him, or she can destroy him. This is one reason why, behind every great man stands a wife who knows how to help him and does not tear him down. Wives, please listen to me, a husband usually knows when he has failed, you don’t need to tell him. A man is very sensitive to failure; in fact, failure is one of the things he fears the most. He has made himself vulnerable to you. Be a wife who supports and encourages, not one that cuts down and destroys. A woman who knows how to support and encourage her husband fulfills an important role and forms a great team with her husband.

Song of Solomon 5:2



I slept

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but my heart was awake. It is the voice of my Love that knocks:

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to me, my sister, my Love, my dove, my flawless

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My head

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is filled with dew,

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my locks of hair

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with the heavy dewdrops

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of the night.”

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There was a time when my body found a semblance of peace but my heart could not find true peace.

I heard the one I long for, demanding permission to access my heart.

He said, “My dear one, the love of my life, take down your guard, let me into your life, my gentle one, you are just right in every way.

The respect and honor I have is a blessing that comes from God to refresh me; in the little things in my life I see God’s blessings coming out of difficulties.”

The next lesson in the topic Marriage Issues is: The Words We Speak to Each Other

The next lesson in the topic Solomon’ s Life and Writings is: The Words We Speak to Each Other

The next lesson in the topic Roles of Men and Women is: This Is Not Optional Eph 5


1: “Look at you!”

Twice in one verse the text uses the word that the KJV translates as “behold.” These are used at the beginning of each statement about her beauty. This word has two basic meanings, one is to shine a spotlight on something, the other is to express surprise in a variety of contexts. Since the word is used twice here, I use each major emphasis once.


Eyes were a symbol for knowledge. Think of the times in Scripture when an object or a creature is covered with eyes all over (e.g., in Ezekiel or Revelation). What does it mean? How much can something covered with eyes see? It can see everything. If it can see everything then it also knows everything. Jesus talked about the eye being the “lamp of the body,” i.e., your source of knowledge (Mt 6:22).


Doves were known for being gentle, timid, and non-resisting. In the Song it appears that the idea of gentleness is the most prominent characteristic.



“Sleep” refers to peace and unity, be it with those who have preceded one in death, (“He slept with his fathers”), or with a wife, (“He slept with his wife and she bore him a son”). The word “sleep” represents much more than snoring. It is an emphasis on peaceful unio; e.g. the man and wife had peaceful union between them. In their minds, one could only sleep if there was peace and unity. If they said, “Sleep did not come to my eyes,” they really meant, I did not feel at peace.

Here again I am assuming this entire section is a memory of the way things were before they were married. “Slept” is in the past tense but we are not told how far in the past. My rewording is based on my prior assumption that this song must be about a married couple.


Knocking was not as polite and harmless back then as it is now; it was far more demanding and harsh. Here’s why. First a visitor would stand a short distance from the house, maybe 30 feet or so, and call to the family to grant him permission to come in and join them. This calling would arouse the family dogs or the children, and so the father of the family, or mother if dad was gone, would be notified and would come out and usher the guest in. That was the polite way of doing it with an emphasis on ushering the guest in, or coming in together. However, if no one responded to the first several calls the guest would come closer and closer until he was at the door. By now he is wondering why no one will come out to usher him in. So he begins to pound on the door. The Hebrew word we think of as “knock” really means to “pound, or beat violently.” This pounding is pictured as being done with the fist or with a heavy stick. At its root is the idea of doing something in a “hard or harsh” way.

Re: the imagery: This one seems difficult for us to swallow because the idea of “demanding” anything in a marriage relationship or dating relationship sounds inappropriate to us. But for people of that time this imagery would not have had any negative connotation regarding his actions. Rather she would have been seen as being in the wrong for not ushering him in right away.

The larger picture being painted here seems to be that she had some misgivings and insecurities, probably based on the huge socio-economic gap between them. A poor person would never marry the son of a king, much less the heir to the throne. These insecurities were strong enough to make her hold back strongly. However, Solomon was insistent and persistent. He kept pressing the issue despite how society would see their relationship.


Here “open” is an obvious reference to taking down one’s guard and allowing access.

7: “my flawless one”

The word used here means “complete” or also “blameless, innocent, undefiled, wholesome, or perfect” with an emphasis on moral integrity. It could also mean beautiful, but based on integrity and uprightness, not physical or sexual attraction.


The head is the most exalted, the most noble part of the human body. Therefore, it is seen as a symbol of rulers, leaders, chiefs, or the one worthy of the most honor and respect, for instance, Christ is the head of the church.


Dew is the symbol of the blessing of God (like rain) which refreshes and revives. It is the opposite of, and the relief from, the parching of the sun’s hot rays. So great is its invigorating effect that it is sometimes a symbol of youthful vigor. It comes silently, yet is a powerful force for good, which makes it also an emblem of brotherly love and harmony.

10: “hair”

God seems to focus on the little things of life more than we do.

11: “heavy dewdrops”

This word means “drops,” “a breach” and “ruin or destruction”. According to Strong, the best way to put these together is to say, “dripping to pieces.” Therefore, it is not a simple, ordinary dew; it is an extremely heavy dew which threatens to destroy things (if that were possible). Remember, these are word pictures so resist the urge to analyze them.

Re: the imagery: This has the same figurative meaning as dew.

12: “night”

It is an interesting paradox that Solomon put the words “dewdrops” and “night” together into one phrase. He is actually communicating: “The blessings of the difficulties.” We struggle to put those ideas together that way, but God does see blessings in difficulties and wants us to learn to see them too. There is so much we can learn from the tough times. They are not our enemies. God will not let them ruin us, rather He will use them to shape us. On the other side of the coin, times of ease are dangerous to us too, but their danger is deceptively concealed.