Troublesome Topic: Was the Shulammite Rehoboam’s Mother?

The Shulammite was not her real name, it was a nickname that was given to her so that her nickname would be similar to Solomon’s real name. This was somewhat common in those days. Since we are never told the Shulammite’s real name, some might wonder if the Shulammite was Naamah, the mother of Rehoboam. Is that a possibility?

No, I don’t think so. Here are my reasons:

1) it appears that Naamah was a princess and the Shulammite was from the working class, and possibly the poor class.

2) If Rehoboam had been the Shulammite’s son I think he would have been mentioned in the Song of Solomon along with his sisters, or we would have something in the written record that would point that direction.

Saying the Shulammite was Naamah creates more problems than it solves.

The next lesson is: After His Death