Troublesome Topic: “Coming on the Clouds”

Matthew 24:30


Then the sign

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of the SON OF MAN will appear

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in the sky

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and all the tribes of the earth will beat on themselves;

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they will see the SON OF MAN coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.


Then confirmation that I am GOD’S ANSWER TO MAN’S PROBLEM will be seen in the sky, and all categories of people on the earth will mourn bitterly when they see it. They will see GOD’S ANSWER TO MAN’S PROBLEM

fulfilling the Old Testament image of the Rider of the Clouds’; and He will be coming to you in a way that demonstrates His power and great glory.

It is as if Jesus was saying, “You wish for the day when all my power will be demonstrated to everyone; that day will indeed come, but it will be after the other things I have told you about.” So, some unknown length of time after the destruction of the temple, Jesus will demonstrate His power and great glory. We call this His “second coming of Christ.”rnrnWe are told of one of the ways He will demonstrate His power – He will come “on the clouds of the sky.” Phrases like this one, and the title “rider of the clouds” were often applied to the god Baal who was thought to be the god of rain and fertility. He was often depicted with a lighting bold in his hand because he was thought to control the rain. Applying this phrase to Jesus meant that Jesus is the true authority over the weather patterns, and the creator and sustainer of all living things. Psalm 68:4 refers to our God as the “exalt Him who rides the clouds,” and Psalm 104:3 says, “the one who makes the clouds His chariot, the one who walks the wings of the wind.” These were used to set the record straight regarding which God is the true God, which God has true power, and which God creates and sustains life.rnrnNotice that all people, everywhere will see Him. Believers will not simply disappear from their cars while others wonder what happened to them. All will see Him, understand what is going on, and know it is too late to make a change. The doctrine of a secret rapture is not well grounded in Scripture; the teachings of Jesus indicate that all people on the entire earth will see Him arriving.rnrnThe first time Jesus came in the flesh, He came to save; the second time He comes He will come to judge. If people always reacted with fear at the appearance of an angel, people’s reaction to the power of Jesus will be much stronger. Everyone will realize that their opportunity to repent has past and judgment is upon them. It will produce a reaction that says, “I’m toast!”

The next lesson is: “Gathered the Chosen Ones”



Earlier Jesus addressed their request for a sign that would confirm that the era they were living in had been fulfilled. Now He is answering their question about a sign that will confirm His arrival on the scene in full power and glory. He indicates that this will indeed happen, but they did not realize there would be a long span of time that would pass before it would come about. We are still waiting for this part to be fulfilled.

Notice however, that the sign and the event are one and the same. You won’t get a warning sign, and you won’t need an additional sign of confirmation. He will arrive with demonstrations of His great power and that’s all there will be. “That’s all folks.”

2: “will appear”

This word means “to shine, to shed light on, to make clear or become clear, to make visible, or to appear.” Context indicates that it should be rendered “appear.” It will be a very impressive sight.


This is the word for “heaven or sky”; Greek has only one word for “sky and heaven” so context must indicate which one it is. Here it is obviously “sky”.

4: “Beat on themselves”

Most translations render this word as “mourn;”, but What did mourning look like in ancient cultures? It is helpful to know that the word really means “to cut, or to strike.” It is used of mourning because people of that day and of all the cultures in the Near East (what we call the Middle East) would beat their chests and their heads when in distress, dismayed or when overwhelmed with grief. Grief was and still is displayed in a very public manner with loud expressions of emotion.